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September 8, 2021

Our production facility is located in Worcester, MA and is made up of many hardworking, passionate people with knowledge and expertise about growing cannabis.

Our team prides itself on the amount of attention, care and time spent to produce top-quality product for our guests. 

Our facility consists of many large rooms, equipped to hold thousands of cannabis plants at a time. You should see the lights in these rooms! And the smell? Who wouldn’t want to work in an environment with such fresh, unique aromas and phenotypes?! 

All of our flower is cultivated with the utmost care, using refined procedures, strict quality control and quality assurance measures. Once our cannabis plants are ready to be harvested (when they look and smell luscious), our skilled team methodically cuts them down and hangs them to dry and cure properly before new plants take their place. Next, our team gets the buds ready for packaging or processing. Our flower is separated, weighed and sent to be packaged up or to our processing lab to create extractions, like concentrates and vapor products. Then, everything is labeled and organized for distribution to our stores to be sold to you! 

Highlights of our high-quality cannabis cultivation include:

  • Using only natural nutrients
  • Cultivating in a climate-controlled, contaminant-free environment 
  • Testing all cannabis and cannabis concentrate products for contaminants and cannabinoid profiles at a credible, state-licensed, independent testing laboratory
  • Processing and handling cannabis in a clean sterile, laboratory-like environment

We pride ourselves on growing pure, unadulterated cannabis for your enjoyment and packaging it in a way that’s convenient for you. That’s a big reason why we sell pre-rolled joints, Multi-pack pre-rolls, eighths, quarters and halves! 

The selection of flower on our menu varies and changes often due to the plants per harvest,  plant’s growth cycle, time for testing and high consumer demand, but we’re sure we’ve got something that elevates your interest. 

Educational Information about Cannabis from Temescal Wellness


Cannabis Leaf Illustration

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Cannabis Leaf Illustration

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Cannabis Leaf Illustration


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