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August 29, 2022

Sativa and Indica are the two strains of marijuana that are considered to be the founders of the hybrid strains available today. There are actually four main types, which include afghanica and ruderalis, in addition to sativa and indica. These four founding strains have different growing patterns and were originally found in different regions of the world, with the selective crossing of species used to improve and customize the flavor, aromas, cannabinoid levels, and effects from consumption.


Sativa strains were originally found in warmer, dryer climates throughout Africa, Southeast Asia, and in Central America. These plants can grow very tall, up to twenty feet, and have large, long, light green leaves. As a general rule of thumb, sativa strains are typically associated with uplifting effects that stimulate the body and the mind.

Sativa strains can help increase focus and creativity, help to improve mood, and can also provide a physical energy boost for the body, depending on the lineage. In most cases, the THC levels are higher while the CBD levels are lower, which causes what is commonly known as a “head high” for the user.


Physically, the indica strains are shorter, bushier plants, and have wider, broad leaves. They are a darker green color than the Sativa leaf. While the plants only grow about half as tall, they grow faster and produce a higher volume of buds.

Indica strains tend to have the opposite effect from Sativa strains. These strains are often recommended for evening use as it can help create deep body and mind relaxation. With higher CBD and THC levels, indica strains may help with pain relief while reducing nausea and stimulating the appetite.

Because cannabis has been around for such a long time, cultivators today have bred plants by crossing different strains to create hybrids. These can be considered indica-leaning hybrids or sativa-leaning hybrids depending on the lineage and known effects.

It is important to realize that there are differences, particularly the psychoactive and physical effects between the two main cannabis strains. Trying different strains will help you determine the best strain or type of hybrid marijuana that works to meet your specific health and wellness goals.

Educational Information about Cannabis from Temescal Wellness


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