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July 20, 2022

If you’re a frequent cannabis consumer, then you know that it can enhance one’s enjoyment of nature and the great outdoors. Cannabis and going hiking go hand in hand! Whether you’re just going for a short walk in the local woods or scaling a high mountain, we’re here to help make product suggestions before you set out on your journey.

Cannabis products can enhance the hiking experience by providing a sense of euphoria and relaxation, as well as reducing pain and inflammation. Some of the best products to use while hiking include vape cartridges, which are easy to carry and use on the go, and edibles, which can provide a more sustained effect.

If you’re a frequent cannabis consumer, then you know that it can enhance one’s enjoyment of nature and the great outdoors. Cannabis and going hiking go hand in hand! Whether you’re just going for a short walk in the local woods or scaling a high mountain, we’re here to help make product suggestions before you set out on your journey.

Before you get ready to pack up for your adventure, stop by one of our dispensaries to get your hands on some goodies to get you going!

If smoking is your thing, go with convenient pre-rolled joints. While packing up your gear have a quick sesh before you jet to the trails. While packing up your gear, have a quick sesh before you jet to the trails. Those who are into vaping will know that vape pens are one of the most convenient ways to enjoy cannabis. These discrete devices fit anywhere! Edibles are also a good option. Fruit chews or chocolate bars make it easy to manage your dosage. That way, you can make sure you’re feeling those desired effects during the perfect stretch of your hike.

When exploring the outdoors after partaking in cannabis, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and understand your limitations. It’s always satisfying to enjoy cannabis after you get back home from your hike, or when you’re ready to relax. We’ve got what you need to meet your needs. Your outdoor adventure awaits!

Educational Information about Cannabis from Temescal Wellness


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